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Hello, friend. Welcome to my prayer for this day. Let’s pray together.
– Donna Brandenburg

Heavenly Father thank you so much for this day ahead of US…the day you have given us! There is so much on our minds as we run around through our day, things we have to do. We are so thankful to take time alone with you to talk to you, and more importantly to listen. Help us to stop…and give you, our best friend and Our Father our time.

That time with you is so precious. Praying with all types of prayers and having just an honest talk about how we feel, think, our concerns, asking for help, guidance, direction, and most important of all prayers for others.

Our country and the world needs your help. The problems we see all stem from separation from you. When we walk with you we are renewed. By your Spirit we can do anything, with power, strength, righteousness and love. Please help us love “our neighbor” and treat everyone as we would want to be treated. They are just like us…in need of a Savior. We all need that relationship with you…our Father who gives us life and saves us.

We pray for this nation. This nation needs you and the outpouring of your Spirit. Thank you for conquering sin and death by salvation through your Son Christ Jesus…the Savior of the world. Jesus doesn’t care who we are, what we have done, he welcomes us with open arms he loves us. Please bring us together as “one nation under God,” filled with grace and love… and to be your children who help each other.

We love you!

In Jesus Name

Today’s Bible Verse

So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith,for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Galatians 3:26-28