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Hello, friend. Welcome to my prayer for this day. Let’s pray to the Good Lord together.
– Donna Brandenburg

Father God we thank you for another beautiful day to wake up to your creation!! This world is yours!

We acknowledge and declare that you make the rules and your rules are perfectly made to protect us.

We went to Lansing – MSU/UofM game today and heard from so many young people whose main concern was mental health. There are so many young people struggling with life right now, and they need you Father. They are not coping because they have been raised in a culture where your unconditional love…the love of their Father has been separated from them. They are like orphans, alone and abandoned by Godless people and sold out.

Help US to see their pain and reach out to them with love and compassion. When they lash out at US help US to embrace them with grace and love…they know not what they do. Fill them with your love which chases out all fear. Let them know that they are precious to you, that they matter, and that nothing is hopeless. There is nothing that they can do or screw up bad enough that would separate them from your love. All they have to do is ask, reach out and accept your love.

Pick those up who feel that they are drowning and give them your help and favor!! You are amazing Father! There is nothing you can’t do. You can take anything bad and turn it around for good!! We are healed, redeemed and restored in the name of Jesus!!!

We love you!
In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen.

Today’s Bible Verse

But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.

James 3:17